Sunday, January 5, 2014

S.E.X. Review~ Tarnished Glitter

Jack and Roman’s love grows seemingly stronger as Jack’s star rises, and he is determined to build a life with the sexually overwhelming screen idol. But hiding from the truth doesn’t make it any less real.

Jack has given himself completely to screen god Roman Pasquale – body and heart. Jack forces himself to let go of the promise of what could have been with Nick, and focus on the enchanted moments with his film star lover instead, despite Roman’s jealous and controlling behaviour.

Roman’s paranoia and fear about losing the much younger Jack threatens to destroy the only real happiness Roman has ever had. Jack is a wonder and a gift to him, yet he can’t seem to just accept their charmed life together – he is determined to make Jack into the perfect partner. He believes that constant sexual attention, lavish gifts, and declarations of love will ensure that Jack never has a reason to leave him.

The pressures of being on the silver screen and being the lover of a demanding movie idol is difficult for the sensitive young man to handle, and Roman’s increasingly erratic behaviour only adds to his stress. Unwanted attention from other men and a startling revelation from movie star Trixie Fox add to Jack’s confusion. All he’s ever wanted was true love, so how can he give up on Roman and the star’s promises of forever?

Once again I have been taken to the edge and left dangling. Oh, Morticia Knight you cruel and seductive woman! Tarnished Glitter, book three in the Gin & Jazz series was everything this reviewer hoped it would be.

Jack and Roman are in the throes of passion as their relationship has advanced to a level bordering on dominance. Jack, though, the still naïve Hollywood transplant, allowed Roman to control him in both personal and professional life, all the while, with a slight niggling in the back of his mind-something may be amiss.

Ms. Knight’s characterization of Jack’s beautiful soul permeated through the pages. His naiveté was part of his charm, but for the first time Ms. Knight showed glimmers of true strength in Jack, especially as the story advanced.  I do believe that Jack may become slightly tainted, but always still keeping his boyish appeal.

Roman was still the insecure and controlling lover and actor, increasingly growing more insecure as the tale unfolded. He was his worst enemy, as his idea of love and caring was not the norm. Not physically abusive, but playing on Jack’s insecurities and buying his affections could only last for so long.

Once again, Trixie made her appearance and yes, I am still not a fan of the smart-mouth flapper turned actress. But, in saying that, I believe Ms. Knight captured the true spirit of a single woman in Hollywood, a man’s world, where advantages must be taken when they are presented. Trixie was the embodiment of someone attempting to make it big under the Hollywood limelight, where those in power exploit the ones beneath them.

Each book has delivered more intriguing story line as the characters grow and develop in their own personalities and with each other. I am still cheering for Nick to make a comeback and if it is in the cards, for Jack to finally have his happily ever after with his first true love?

Gin & Jazz series is a work of art, well- researched- the Prohibition Era, the back drop of the stories.

Run, don’t walk to purchase these books!

Definite S.E.X.
A five handcuff review

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