Wednesday, September 18, 2013

S.E.X. Review~ Disturbed Fate~Kia Zi Shiru

Marc, a small pet shop owner and seer, needs help with his store, but his new employee, Galen, brings with him more trouble than expected. Marc tries to keep their relationship professional even if Galen seems insistent on taking it to the next level. And then there is the problem of Galen’s past.

Keiran, a hard working medical student and Marc’s best friend, has a small problem, a stalker. One night he confronts the man and finds that his stalker vampire, Devlan, is too alluring to turn down. But Devlan isn’t who he seems to be.

When the four men meet up for a night out their lives fall apart. Marc’s premonitions turn out to be wrong and everything points towards one autumn night a couple of years ago. Now they need to figure out what happened that night, before someone dies, again.

Time is running out. The visions might be false, but they don’t paint a pretty picture, not about their futures and, especially, not about their pasts. They need to reverse the change before it is too late.

Ms. Shiru’s book Disturbed Fate (Otherkin Spirits 1) was a unexpected surprise. Set in the big city a group of friends must figure out what is wrong before someone else dies. Can Marc find the answers in time to save them all or will fate be changed once again?

A group of friends who fate has tied together; Marc a seer along with Keiran a psychic vampire, work to find the answers that will save them all.  As they find the clues and work through the mystery that surrounds them. Other friends in the group join to change their fate once more. Devlan, a hothead  at the best of time, Galen the soft spoken lover of Marc, Dianna, Keiran’s roommate and Rosa, Devlan’s sister who has passed on.

This is a story of friends coming together to help each other out in a time of great need. Ms. Shiru’s book was an interesting read and very fast paced. It was a good story of friendship, romance and mystery. A good read for a lazy afternoon.

Frisky and a Little Kinky
A three and a half handcuff review

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