Tuesday, November 4, 2014

S.E.X. Review~ No Boundaries by S.E. Jakes

When your past closes in, running isn’t always an option

The jobs Marcus Lowry works for at Phoenix, Inc. Investigations are quick and easy, and they don’t give him the nightmares his days as a CIA operative did. That is, until he gets involved in a case that grabs him by the throat and won’t let go.

Cole Jacobs left behind his old life on the streets to make a name for himself rebuilding high-end and vintage cars and bikes. But when a stalker threatens to kill him—and to hurt anyone who stands in his way—his past closes in on him, and he’s not sure where to turn.

The last thing Marcus wants to do is take on a charity case, and to say that he and Cole don’t see eye to eye at first is putting things mildly. But when the first attempt on Cole’s life nearly kills them both, Marcus realizes that Cole is in real danger, and Cole is forced to reveal everything. Almost everything. Because Cole’s deepest secrets could destroy them both.

S.E. Jakes hit it out of the park with the start of her new series Phoenix Inc., No Boundaries. A spin-off of Men with Honor series, No Boundaries dove further into the lives of the sexy trio Styx, Law, and Paolo, as owners of the firm Phoenix Inc. Marcus, ex CIA operative and employee of the firm has been given a new case~ guard young Cole, the sexy mechanic with a stalker.

The fur flies and soon the men find themselves imbedded in intrigue, a cat and mouse game of catch me if you can and of course, steamy interludes.

Ms. Jakes outdid herself as Styx, Law and Paolo heat the sheets or any available surface to further cement their relationship. Additionally, Marcus and Cole, once they get past their initial animosity are the new sexy couple to grace a Jakes novel.

No Boundaries delivered mystery and intrigue coupled with firm bodies and attitudes. What I adored about this book, was the fact that the men are hard-nosed, take no prisoners type with a soft spot and a tender heart for those they value as friends and lovers. Each set of lovers conveyed the right amount of unflappable sternness yet wore their emotions on their sleeves.

No Boundaries has it all~ action, intrigue and SEX!
Courtesy of Net Galley in exchange for an honest review

Definite S.E.X.
A five handcuff review

Samhain Publishing Buy Link

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