Coming December 20th

Bullied all her life, Veronica Benedict has learned to
withdraw rather than risk being hurt by those closest to her—but that’s not the
only type of bully she has to deal with.
On a research trip, a fellow author introduces her to two
Doms at a wedding. Travis McDaniel is disillusioned by life in Washington,
D.C., and is back home in Divine, examining his future.
Driven by the need to keep the citizens of Divine safe, Hank
Stinson has put his loneliness and his secret desires aside—until he meets
Veronica. Hank and Travis are captivated by the introverted author. Hank must
decide if he needs this special kind of love more than he needs to be elected
sheriff again, and Travis must choose between life in Divine and an opportunity
to make a difference in the world. When they discover the bullying Veronica is
enduring, their protective instincts come roaring to the surface.
Travis laid warm kisses on her abdomen before working his
way back up, nuzzling between her breasts. “You smell so sexy, Nika. You make
me hard just with your scent.”
“True,” Hank murmured.
As they touched her and warmed her, she relaxed, letting
them do as they willed, until she was lying with arms and legs spread, willing
to take whatever they offered. Her cunt throbbed with need as she hoped they’d
touch her there. They came close too many times to count as they touched and
teased. The tension built in slow waves flowing and ebbing like a tide as these
two men aroused her to a point that she thought she was running a fever.
Hank must’ve moved around the bed because he was suddenly on
her other side, paying the same attention to her hands and legs on that side.
She arched her back and stretched and heard him growl softly. “Perfect.”
She smiled and opened her eyes. A tugging at her wrists drew
her attention as he loomed over her, tying something off on her headboard. Both
men smiled at her when she looked from side to side and saw that it wasn’t just
a fantasy. She was tied down to the bed at both wrists.
Tugging with her legs, she realized Travis had been busily
working at distracting her while Hank had restrained her legs, too. Her cunt
pulsed and she gloried in the sensation as she tugged and couldn’t get free.
Hank laid his hand on her abdomen. “You’re ours to play with
now, Nika.” Lust burned in his eyes. “We can do whatever we want to you.”
Intelligible speech fled as she embraced her predicament.
She should probably play along and pretend to be concerned but all she could do
was giggle as she arched her back, dying for whatever they chose to do next.
“Do your worst.”
With an evil laugh, Travis leaned down until his mouth was
inches from her cunt. “I’ve been looking forward to tasting your pussy ever
since Hank told me about this afternoon.”
“Did he tell you all about it?” she asked as she lifted her
“Yes, in great detail, little vixen.” He growled as he
finally looked his fill. “So tempting and pink. And wet. You need me to touch
you here?” he asked, lifting a fingertip and nearly touching her with it, until
she panted and whimpered, tilting toward him. Her pussy clenched around
nothing, aching for a cock to fill her, a finger, anything.
She scooted closer to him until the silky bindings at her
wrists halted her movements and all she could do was watch. Travis tilted his
head and flicked his gaze to hers as he brushed his lower lip against her
labia. Her body jerked as his hot breath streamed over her exposed clit and she
wondered if she’d come just from his teasing and the way looked at her.
She glanced up and saw Hank kneeling on the bed, watching
the two of them, his enormous cock jutting up from the nest of black hair
between his spread legs. She wanted to reach out and touch him but couldn’t.
Remembering their encounter earlier made her mouth water.
Hot breath at her cunt drew her attention and she looked
back at Travis and he grinned at her. “You were about a split second away from
getting your pussy slapped for not paying attention, Nika. Focus.” The thought
of either of them doing that made her cunt clench tight as a vise and her
juices dripped from her and slid between her ass cheeks.
Travis smiled as he saw her reaction and the knowledge in
his eyes didn’t shame her. No, it turned her on even more. It made her bold.
“You’d slap my poor little pussy?” She even managed to slide her lower lip out
in a pout, a totally foreign motion.
He leaned closer, and she felt like she been touched with a
hot poker as his breath streaked over her a second before his teeth slid
smoothly on either side of her clit.
“Oh!” she screamed as her back bowed and the orgasm
blindsided her. He sucked her clit, setting off a flurry of explosions that
rocked her. His hot mouth lapping at her wouldn’t allow her to come down and
the tension soared within her again. He seemed content to tease her, sucking at
her clit and licking her opening until she was swollen and so aroused she
wanted to scream for them to take her. She opened her eyes to find them both
watching her and realized what they waited for.
“Fuck me, please! Please!” she begged.
Travis’s face broke into a smile and he said, “She’s a quick
Hank chuckled in reply, and instead of being offended
Veronica laughed, too, and yelled, “Shut up and fuck me!”
The room echoed with Hank’s laughter and the shock on
Travis’s face lasted for a split second before the flat of his fingertips
landed right over her clit. More shocking than painful, the tap drew a startled
scream from her.
Travis gaped at Hank, a devilish gleam lighting his brown
eyes. “Such sassiness from our sub! Did you hear her?”
“I did, Trav. She just earned herself a spanking.”
Travis grinned and soothed her pussy with broad strokes from
his tongue until she pleaded, “Please fuck me, Travis? Pretty, pretty, please?
With sugar on top?”
“What pretty begging,” Travis said as he sheathed his cock.
Hank had a condom in his hand as well, and a hungry look in his eyes as he
watched them.
I get two cocks. Holy
Feeling ravenous for them both, she squirmed and writhed as
she watched Travis stroke his hand down his thick shaft. I want that so much!
She realized she’d spoken out loud when Travis chuckled and
said, “I’m about to give it to you, impatient Nika.”
Name: Hank Stinson
DOB: 1969
Height: 6’
Eye Color: Light Gray
Occupation: Sheriff of Divine County
Bio: I’m a native of Divine. I love
it here and never plan to leave.
Food: Nice big rib-eye from
Color: Red
Book: Band of Brothers by Stephen E.
Movie: The Quiet Man and McClintock
with John Wayne and Maureen O’Hara (There’s just something about a feisty
redhead that gets my blood going.)
Band: (Musician) George Strait
Song: You Look so Good in Love by
George Strait
Quote: “Courage is being scared
to death…and saddling up anyway.” –John Wayne
TV Show: Castle
Holiday: Christmas
Sport: Football
Lightning Round
Pepsi or Coke: Coke
Boxers or Briefs: Boxers
Die Hard or Terminator: Die Hard
Ford or Chevy: Chevy
Steak or Chicken: Steak
Star Wars or Star Trek: Star Trek (The original)
Beer or Wine: Beer—Dos Equis
In Depth
What is your most cherished
don’t get real hung up on possessions but my mom loved collecting Christmas
decorations and nativity scenes. When she passed on a few years back all that
came to me. It’s just sitting in boxes in storage now but it means something to
me. Someday maybe I’ll have a woman in my life who likes stuff like that, too.
How do you feel about being the
center of attention?
part of the job on lots of occasions. I see it as a necessary evil but it
doesn’t bother me. Where public safety in my county is concerned, the buck
stops here.
What makes you blush?
much, these days. In my line of work I’ve seen just about anything and
everything. The last time I blushed was when little Rose Marie Warner gave me a
kiss on the cheek.
How do you feel, generally,
about the opposite sex?
Very protective. I don’t have a woman in my life right now but I hope wherever
she is that someone is looking out for her, too.
What is your worst habit?
being able to say no to the women of this community. You wouldn’t believe some
of the stuff they’ve talked me into doing for charities and worthy causes.
Do you have any irrational fears
or phobias?
that I come is the fear I feel for someone else when they are in harm’s way. The
job requires keeping a level head but that doesn’t mean I don’t have fear. I
just don’t let it immobilize me.
How do you think your exes would
describe you?
Dominating. I’m willing to bet they smile when they say it, too.
How deeply does your job /
social role define you as a person?
known that I wanted to be in law enforcement nearly my whole life. I think that
having a tendency toward domination and wanting to keep the people I care about
safe translated into a way of life when I took on the badge.
What are you the most hopeless
I mentioned before, saying no to the women of Divine is nearly impossible.
What would you never do, no
matter the price?
on the woman I love.
Special holiday
The weekend after Thanksgiving, we always set up our
Christmas tree and let our kids decorate it. This started when our eldest was a
toddler and did it all by herself. The tree leaned to the left a little that
first year because the ornaments were all hanging on just a few low branches on
one side of the tree but she had fun. When our son came along, it got to be a
bit of a competition. Now that they are both middleschoolers, the ornaments
landed higher and higher on the tree. It’s not always neatly proportioned or
color coordinated but it’s definitely their creation. Growing up, my mom was a
Nazi about the Christmas tree being decorated a certain way. I have more fun
watching them decorate it than I ever had decorating one when I was growing up.
Favorite holiday memory?
On Christmas of 2010, Mister Rainier, also known as “Mister
Practicality”, did something that totally blew me away. I’d been a published
author for just a little over a month at the time. A few days before Christmas,
he lured me outside and I was surprised to find a ruby red 2011 Chevy Camaro
sitting in our front yard. I’d been lusting after one of these vehicles for at
least three years. I was convinced it was a rental. Then he blew me away when
he handed me the keys and said, “Merry Christmas!” He went on to say that for
once in his life he wanted to do something that was completely impractical.
That car is my pride and joy.
Tis the Season for
For those who like to give donations to charity in lieu of
Christmas gifts, I’d always recommend visiting the American Red Cross website.
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