Sunday, June 28, 2015

S.E.X. Review~ Flashbulb by Clare London

Blythe Harris was taking his first flight to the USA and hopefully a whole new client base for his bespoke upholstery business. An adventure for him, he was both nervous and excited to attract the attention of a handsome steward. Things might have gone further – if Flight HA1710 hadn’t failed. 

Marc Stafford is a self-confessed player, and he used his charm to seduce his cute passenger. But in the aftermath of the crash, he’s struggling to recover his confidence. The TV declares him a hero for saving passengers, but at night his nightmares trigger painful flashbulb memories of the crash.

In an Irish hospital, Bly realises that although his broken leg will recover, his career may not. And in Chicago, Marc can’t face returning to work. Neither of them can shake off the memory of their brief, sexy encounter. Both of them need to be with someone who understands exactly what they’ve been through. And on a middle ground they can make all their own.

Usually the main characters in a book have something in common. They both work in some sort of law enforcement, they’re both some sort of paranormal- but what if the only thing they had in common was the very thing that could have driven them apart- they both are survivors of a plane crash? This concept is the very thing that Clare London did in her new book, Flashbulb, Flight HA1710 #3- and succeeded beautifully.

Bly and Marc were in the ill-fated flight HA1710 when it crashed in Ireland. Worlds apart in their lives- a quick airplane bathroom tryst left them both yearning and intrigued until separated after the crash.

Ms. London delivered an agonizing yet heartwarming tale of survivor’s guilt and PTSD- demonstrating the necessity to find meaning in what surrounds us and the tenacity of the human spirit.

The struggles Ms. London depicted were valid as PTSD comes from many experiences and the niggling of guilt when you feel you just could have done more were extremely realistic.

The author’s characterization of Marc and Bly were warm and tender as each man came to terms with his own misgivings and attempted to find their way back to each other, even when they were together.

Beautifully written—when life throws a curve ball, embrace it for its positivity and not the “woo is me” attitude.
Book provided by author/publisher in exchange for an honest review

Definite S.E.X.
A five handcuff review

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