Tuesday, June 14, 2016

S.E.X. Review~ Burning Desire by Storm and Walsh

Centuries ago the Phoenix and Dragons were a force no one could penetrate. They fought together, mated together, and worked side by side, and then all that changed. The children of the leaders were dead and war had practically destroyed them all. The fighting stopped and they both went their separate ways. 
Daytona was the Captain of the Crystal fire department. He loved his small town and he loved his job. However, what none of the small town knew was that he was also a dragon. Crystal was a small location just outside Denver, and it was also the home to the Phoenix. He had lived amongst them for years, hiding his scent, until the day came that he could no longer keep his secret. 
When a fire claims his mother's life, Ethan rushes home. Having your mother being a victim of an arson is not something he was prepared to face, but discovering he wouldn't have to do it alone, should have been a relief. The thing is...that relief came in the form of a dragon, and the town believes that his mate is the cause of all the fires around town. 
When the arsonist strikes close to home, Day knows he must clear his name and find the culprit that is now trying to kill his mate. 

Burning Desire by Cree Storm and Maggi Walsh was a nice start to a new series featuring phoenix and dragons. There aren’t too many series sporting the mythical creatures and Burning Desire delivered a nice world building that captured my attention.

Main characters Daytona and Ethan were well written and developed a rapport throughout the book with each other and other characters. The many secondary characters left the doors wide open for future books, with many personalities and quirks.

The mating of a phoenix and a dragon sets the Eternal Flame series up with twist and turns and the endless possibilities in which to take the series.

As a writing duo, Storm and Walsh transitioned between each other’s style with grace, never indicating where one started and the other ended. My only drawback to the book were the numerous editing errors, which drew my attention from the overall enjoyment of the book- but a nice story nonetheless.
Book provided by author/publisher in exchange for an honest review

Frisky but nothing too Kinky
A three and a half handcuff review


2016 ©Evelise Archer All rights reserved. This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, locations, and incidents are products of the author’s imagination, or have been used fictionally. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead, locales, or events is entirely coincidental. No portion of this work may be transmitted or reproduced in any form, or by any means, without permission in writing from the author.

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