Friday, December 11, 2015

S.E.X. Review~ It was a Thursday by Carol Lynne

It was a Thursday. The day one eighteen-year-old gunman would change the lives of an entire town.

Principal Mark Kurtz loved his school. He worked hard to give his students every advantage in life, but he could have never predicted that on a warm day in May, a distraught senior would commit an unimaginable act of vengeance on his classmates.

In the aftermath of the shooting that left both students and faculty members dead, Mark must deal with his own guilt while trying to help those around him feel safe once again.

Mark’s problems are compounded when an old flame, Lane Warner, arrives in town to help treat the trauma victims. How can he possibly deal with his own guilt, be there for his seventeen-year-old son and confront the part of himself he’s always denied while trying to heal a broken community?

It was a Thursday by Carol Lynne delved into a topic that we are becoming all too familiar with~ school violence. A heart-warming story of a high school that experienced bullying and tragedy, Ms. Lynne created a sentimental journey of finding life after death.

Mark, high school principal, must come to terms with the knowledge that one of his students committed a sad and heinous act of violence against fellow students and faculty. Mark not only witnessed the shooting, but the young man who felt there was no other way out, spoke to him as his final act. Mark began to tailspin into depression and the bottle.

Lane, former college classmate and best friend of Mark, was a trauma psychologist and arrived in the small town in the aftermath of the tragedy to assist the victims with their feelings and the will to live on.

It was a Thursday was not only the story of tragedy amongst our school systems, but a story of unrequited love and affection between Mark and Lane. Mark must come to terms with the feelings he has always harbored for Lane even as he married and had a child, Max.

What I particularly enjoyed about the book~ Ms. Lynne delivered all point of views. Mark~ the principal who felt guilty about not being able to save and keep all his students safe. Mark~ the adult who must come to terms with his homosexuality and his love for Lane.

Lane~ the psychologist who never stopped loving Mark and hoped to make a life for the two of them now that they had found each other again.

Max~ Mark’s son. A special young man who fought for family and friends, the high school senior who accepted life would never be the same and yet still found the courage to go on, accepting that not everything is black and white, and love can truly make the world a better place.

Carol Lynne took a difficult subject and wrote a powerful book full of compassion for all. In death and despair we are all victims and must find forgiveness and understanding. Without that, we cannot make the world a better place.
Book provided by author/publisher in exchange for an honest review

A five handcuff review

2015 ©Evelise Archer All rights reserved. This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, locations, and incidents are products of the author’s imagination, or have been used fictionally. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead, locales, or events is entirely coincidental. No portion of this work may be transmitted or reproduced in any form, or by any means, without permission in writing from the author.

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