Saturday, February 21, 2015

S.E.X. Review~ Ryker's Aquamate by Cree Storm

A meteor attack has changed the world as we know it. Most of the people that survived now have special powers. However, as with all people, some are good and some are evil. There is a group of men that were brought together by the World Council called MYSTIC, a group of men with multiple powers. They are only brought in on to deal with Nefariouses. These are men with powers used for their own evil, twisted purpose.

Ryker Spalding is a MYSTIC agent. He is six feet three inches and can control metal, speak any language, and decode any message while levitating in the air. Quinn Sanders can breathe underwater while he talks to underwater mammals. He lead a quiet life until the day a sadistic serial killer set his sights on him. Now he can only hope that his new found mate, Ryker, can keep him safe without one or both of them getting killed.

Ryker’s Aquamate by Cree Storm was a wonderful introduction to her new series MYSTIC. Meteor-destroyed earth has rebuilt itself with men as the primary species and no women. This sci-fi/paranormal thriller was an adventure from the first page.

Ryker, a MYSTIC agent has distinctive abilities, along with his team. Quinn and his twin brother were also special. For Ryker, Quinn was even more special as the man was his mate. The first male-male pairings in the new world~ post-earth destroying meteor.

Ms. Storm took an interesting topic and changed it into a fast-paced story that held my interest. I loved the references to the Justice League and Ms. Storm’s ability to interweave superhero facsimiles into her story. I especially took notice of the Aqua Man character, as that particular member of the Justice League has always been my favorite.

The character development took us through the ups and downs of survival of the fittest and the complications encountered in a new world where everyone has powers, even the bad guys.

Subtle hints were dropped as to the incite and personalities of the MYSTIC team members and the men they rescued when saving Quinn. Ms. Storm left the story wide open to deliver more wonderful and creative tales in her series.
I look forward to reading the next book.
Book provided by author/publisher in exchange for an honest review

Definite S.E.X.
A five handcuff review

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