Monday, February 9, 2015

S.E.X. Review~ When in Bloom by Nicole Dennis

Could the personal challenges of a former Army doctor and a brilliant florist get in the way of a chance at life and love?

Fighting Type One diabetes since childhood, Jude Sebastian runs to prove he can live a normal life, until epileptic seizures begin to change his life. Even with Dawson, his Medical Alert Golden Labrador, at his side Jude finds daily life difficult. He owns the floral shop, Flowers in the Breeze, and designs everything from simple bouquets to elaborate themes for weddings and celebrations.

At the Shore Breeze Clinic, Jude comes across a man clearly suffering with a PTSD episode. A new arrival in the small town, Doctor Elliott Sheffield, a retired Army Ranger doctor is looking for a second chance after what he saw in the Middle Eastern deserts.

Wanting a normal relationship, Jude tries to deny his disorders, but something is happening. He can’t regulate his sugars and his disorder worsens. When he returns to the clinic, Dawson alerts him to an oncoming seizure.

Will the personal issues and challenges of both men get in the way of a chance at love?

Reader Advisory: This books contains scenes referencing PTSD, seizures and diabetes.

When in Bloom by Nicole Dennis is part of the Southern Charm series. Jude and Elliott are more mature characters, secure in their lives, both personally and professionally. What they each lack is a man to love and come home to.

Ms. Dennis did a nice job of showing the realities of those with disabilities. Whether Elliott’s PTSD or Jude’s diabetes and seizures, the author infused plausible scenarios.

Unfortunately, When in Bloom did not hit the mark for me. I found the dialogue between the characters clinical and without feeling—especially for men who were older and more mature. Even though Jude and Elliott were falling in love, the chemistry just wasn’t there.

As a fan of Ms. Dennis I do look forward to the next book in the series. I would also recommend the series be read in order.
Book provided by author/publisher in exchange for an honest review

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